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This report aims to show how the transition to a low-carbon society through the decarbonization of energy systems can bring social and economic benefits and foster countries’ economic competitiveness. It notably evaluates the inter-linkages between decarbonization and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and emphasizes the need for carbon pricing and climate finance. Additionally, it advocates for ambitious industrial policies to accompany energy-intensive companies in the low-carbon transition and takes example in several successful cases of decarbonization around the world.
This policy report was developed based on submissions from LCS-RNet research members, presented during the 9th Conference of the International Research Network For Low-Carbon Societies (LCS-RNet), which took place on 12 and 13 September 2017 at Warwick University, United Kingdom (detailed information available in the Appendix).
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Consulate General of France in Hong Kong & Macau
December 2016