Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change - 賽馬會氣候變化博物館


  1. 任何Facebook或Instagram用戶參加本活動即代表同意其所載之條款及細則。如有違反,香港中文大學賽馬會氣候變化博物館有權取消其參加或得獎資格而不作任何通知,並對於任何破壞本活動之行為保留追究權利。
  2. 參加者必須遵守以下活動規則:
    1. 讚好博物館Facebook (@mocccuhk) 或Instagram (@mocc_cuhk) 專頁及此帖文
    2. 於此帖文下留言分享最少一個保護環境的行動和如何運用「PB『幫緊你走塑』福袋」及「環保七巧板」的例子,標籤最少兩位朋友(例子:我會福袋隨身,外賣時走餐具、購物時走膠袋!我會用七巧板砌成聖誕圖案裝飾家居,不購買即棄佈置!@SDSNHongKong @CUGreenBuddies)
    3. 登記成為「賽馬會氣候變化博物館之友」(
    4. 最有創意的100位參加者可獲「PB『幫緊你走塑』福袋」,當中20位更可獲得「環保七巧板」(款式隨機)
  1. 遊戲日期:香港時間2020年12月16日至12月31日下午11時59分。
  2. 遊戲截止日期:香港時間2020年12月31日下午11時59分。
  3. 博物館將於香港時間2021年1月6日通知各得獎者。得獎者需於香港時間2021年1月13日下午11時59分或之前透過博物館專頁的Facebook Messenger 功能,提供香港身分證上的姓名、手提電話號碼,以及登記成為「博物館之友」的電郵地址,以利博物館核實及安排領獎事宜。逾期者當作放棄獎品,博物館將會另選得獎者補上而不作另行通知。
  4. 參加者以每個Facebook或 Instagram帳戶為單位。每位參加者於本活動可提交多於一份參賽作品,但每個帳戶於遊戲中只獲一次得獎機會。
  5. 參加者最終參賽資料及時間以電腦紀錄為準。
  6. 所有資料均以博物館所收訖之紀錄為準,任何錯誤或不完整的資料將被視作無效。若填寫之資料有錯漏或不正確,導致得獎者無法收到得獎通知及獎品,博物館概不負責。
  7. 本活動之參加作品需為原創。 參加者須確保其參賽作品並無侵犯或違反任何版權或商標權利,如有侵犯他人知識產權的作品,或因參賽作品而引起第三者之糾紛,博物館有權取消該參加者的參加資格,博物館不就此負責。
  8. 如發現有任何不當的內容,包含但不限於誹謗、辱罵、猥褻、瀆神、冒犯、性目的、脅迫、騷擾、商業性、政治性非法資料、或違反或侵犯第三方權益之言論,博物館有權即時刪除有關內容而無須特予通知。
  9. 任何因電腦、網絡、電話、技術等問題,而引致參加者或得獎者所登錄之資料有遲延、遺失、錯誤、無法辨識或毀損,導致資料無效之情況,博物館不負上任何責任,參加者或得獎者均不得異議。
  10. 任何參加者有意圖地進行任何不合法、不當行為去損害遊戲的公正和公平的人士或使用任何程式欺騙結果的人士,其參加資格將被自動取消。博物館保留一切法律權利向有關參加者追討損害賠償或其他補償。
  11. 參加者參與本活動屬自願性質,一切因本活動所構成之責任與博物館無關,博物館將免除一切法律責任及賠償。
  12. 如發現任何蓄意以空號或假帳戶參加本活動,博物館有權取消該參加者的參加資格。
  13. 所有獎品均不可轉讓他人、兌換現金或其他貨品,並須受有關使用細則及條款約束。
  14. 博物館、其廣告公司或任何相關人士,均毋須對參加者如因參與本活動或任何獎品引致之任何損失或損毀(包括非直接或引發性之損失)或個人傷亡負上任何責任。一旦得獎者領取獎品後,若有遺失或被竊,博物館毋須發出任何證明或作出任何補償。
  15. 本活動之條款及細則如有任何更改,毋須另行通知。
  16. 博物館有權暫停或更改此等條款及關於此次活動的各項安排,並可隨時取消或中止活動,事先毋須就此發出通知,亦不需為此承擔任何責任。
  17. 本活動與任何社交平台無關,並沒有任何社交平台贊助、支持或管理。
  18. 如有任何爭議,博物館保留最終決定權。

Please check out the Chinese version

ECF Mobilizing Community Climate Action by Future Museum Curators

Funded by

Supported by

ECF Mobilizing Community Climate Action by Future Museum Curators is an 18-month (2021–2022) school-based community project supported by the Environment and Conservation Fund (ECF). The project capitalizes on the MoCC's experience in climate outreach and advocacy and represents a unique model of experiential and problem-based learning through curating an exhibition that inspires community pro-climate actions. Student participants (our 'Future Curators') will have the opportunity to showcase their works at the MoCC and will reach a larger audience worldwide through our various global partners.


  • To empower young people as a force for positive change by equipping them with the necessary knowledge and skills in curating and communicating exhibits, so that they can make a meaningful contribution to climate action; and
  • To encourage the community to respond to the messages conveyed in these exhibits and to take appropriate climate action.

Project Components

The core component of this project is a comprehensive training programme designed to provide young people with the necessary knowledge and skills to communicate climate change and sustainable development through technology-aided exhibitions.

Training Scope

  1. Knowledge of climate change and UN Sustainable Development Goals
  2. Curation and science communication skills
  3. Innovation know-how – AR technology

Learning Outcome

  1. Be able to identify and propose solutions to climate change and its impact
  2. Have basic knowledge of AR technology and its application in exhibitions
  3. Be able to curate their own exhibitions
  4. Be able to showcase their exhibits to a wider international audience through the MoCC's global partners

Various activities are designed to expand the reach and impact of the project, including:

  1. A social media campaign to share the climate solutions proposed by the students of Training Future Curators.
  2. A virtual gallery showcasing the interactive exhibitions curated by the students of Training Future Curators.
  3. A Future Curators' exhibition at the MoCC co-curated by the museum and the best student curators selected in the Training Future Curators.


Jennifer Cheng (3943 0817;


Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material/event do not necessarily reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Environment and Conservation Fund and the Environmental Campaign Committee.

Training Future Curators

Join us to help your students...

  • Learn about the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals and how everyone can work towards these Goals
  • Acquire in-demand AR and curation skills
  • Gain practical experience in integrating science and arts through exhibit development
  • Develop new ways of thinking in approaching problems
  • Inspire positive change in the wider community

Enhance knowledge of climate change, science communication skills and innovative know-how

Through a comprehensive training programme which includes sharing sessions, workshops and field trips, the programme participants (our 'Future Curators') will identify problems of climate change and explore the connections between climate change and the United Nations' (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The training will be provided in multiple modules covering climate change knowledge, basic curation skills and the application of AR technology.

Experience the work of a curator

The programme will expose the participants to various aspects of a curator's work, from content research, through description drafting, to exhibit design and development. Under the MoCC's guidance, the participants will work with their teammates to curate their own exhibitions to be staged at their schools and in a virtual gallery. Selected curating teams will co-curate with the museum team a year-end themed exhibition to be staged at the MoCC.

Showcase to the world

The participants will have the opportunity to showcase their works to a larger worldwide audience through our global partners. These include:

  • Hong Kong Chapter of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN Hong Kong)
  • Australian Museum
  • Ki Culture (the Netherlands)

Target Participants:

S1 – S6 students


6 to 8 students from each school


  • The best student curators will earn the opportunity to co-curate an exhibition to be staged at the MoCC.
  • Each participant who has fulfilled all the requirements will be awarded an e-certificate.

Programme Flow

The programme will consist of a series of interactive class and practical sessions.

August to September 2021
Enrolment (by school)
October to December 2021
School seminarFor all students
9 October 2021 or
16 October 2021
SDG 13 Keepers training (full-day)
30 October 2021 or
6 November 2021
InnoCurators museum operation
training (full-day)Including a field trip
20 November 2021 or
27 November 2021 or
4 December 2021 or
11 December 2021
InnoCurators augmented reality
training (full-day)
December 2021 to
May 2022
Future Curators exhibitions
(brick-and-mortar)Minimum two weeks for each exhibition
May 2022
Future Curators' exhibitions (online)
May to December 2022
MoCC exhibition
(co-curated with the
Best-performing Future Curators)

*Participating schools should complete the school seminar, the training sessions and Future Curators' exhibitions.

Social Media Campaign



Please check out the Chinese version

Yasumoto International Academic Park 8/F
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shatin, NT, Hong Kong
3943 9632
Opening hours
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday to Saturday: 9:30 am – 5:00 pm
Wednesday, Sunday, Public Holidays and University Holidays
(24th and 31st December, and Lunar New Year Eve): Closed